Leading Future-Focused Goal Setting for Your Team
As the year wraps up, it's time to reflect on achievements and plan for the future. A well-structured goal-setting workshop can align your team, inspire collaboration, and set the stage for a successful 2025. From celebrating wins to defining priorities and scheduling progress check-ins, this guide walks you through creating a productive, future-focused workshop tailored to your team's needs.
Infusing Equity Audits into Your Organization for Inclusive Growth
As we honor National Coming Out Day, it’s important to reflect on how organizations can move beyond visibility and take meaningful action toward equity and inclusion. This post explores the power of equity audits to identify hidden biases and drive systemic change across all areas of diversity, from LGBTQ inclusion to racial and gender equity.
Building Rhythms of Reflection
Whether you're preparing for another year in education or simply feeling those "back-to-school" vibes, this season offers a unique opportunity to pause and reflect on the journey so far.
In our latest blog post, one team member shares insights on how annual reflection has shaped her approach to coaching and personal growth. From creating "Done" lists to weekly team check-ins, discover practical strategies to make reflection a powerful tool for you and your team.