Swati Parikh

Swati Parikh

Career and Executive Coach

Swati Parikh (pronounced “Swathee Pareek”) is a certified career and leadership coach, and a law school Assistant Dean. She has over 15 years of experience in higher education leadership, career advising, professional development, and public interest law. Her passion is working with mission-driven professionals to build their confidence and leadership skills, and to help them get clarity on what matters most to them. Swati finds a lot of fulfillment in mentoring others and working with them to set and reach their goals.

In addition to her coaching practice, Swati is the Assistant Dean of the Office of Public Service and Pro Bono Initiatives at New York Law School. She coaches students focused on careers in nonprofit and government work, has developed relationships with over 100 public sector employers, and runs numerous programs teaching students how to pursue a variety of careers in social justice and government. Students seek her out because she’s developed a reputation for going above and beyond for each student, providing them with extensive resources, perfecting their resumes, and working with them step by step on their goals.

Swati lives with her family in Brooklyn, and loves exploring the city and also prioritizing time in nature. She enjoys yoga, cooking and snacking, hiking, knitting, and cultivating her many indoor plants.